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I have loved art as long as I can remember. As a child I would find my escape in the beauty  of colours and imagination.

Creating is the most peaceful place for me to be, and the most personal. When I paint or  draw, I am sharing a very intimate part of me. I feel exposed and vulnerable but it’s the most  honest way of being and the only way I know how to be. 

I dabbled with art as a teenager and then as a young adult I found refuge in creating art. Life  was coming at me fast and at times I felt overwhelmed and unable to cope. That’s when I  turned to painting. 

I was fortunate to be mentored by some amazing artists who gave me the confidence I  needed. I enrolled in classes at Southwest School of Art in San Antonio, Texas to improve  my technique and after that experience I painted from instinct and imagination. I continue to  learn and push myself to explore and evolve as an artist.

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